The Tredegar Practice

Morning lines open from 8am to 12.30pm
Afternoon lines open from 2pm to 6.30pm

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First Contact Physio

You can now see or speak to a Physio to get a more detailed assessment of any NEW musculoskeletal issues rather than see a GP.

Our First Contact Physios, Adrian Baker or Georgie Newton, will offer you an in-depth assessment and suggest helpful exercises, organise any required investigations such as X-rays or MRI scans, and refer you on for longer term care to the MSK team at the hospital.

To be referred to one of the First Contact Physios please submit a request via Accurx as normal and ask for the First Contact Physio. If on reviewing your request our team think that the First Contact Physio would be the best option for you then they will arrange this.

As well as our First Contact Physio there is a new service called GetUBetter available for all patients aged 18+ registered in North East London. Click here for more info.

Date published: 1st September, 2022
Date last updated: 9th October, 2023