The Tredegar Practice

Morning lines open from 8am to 12.30pm
Afternoon lines open from 2pm to 6.30pm

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Embedding Disability Access Pilot

We recently took part in the Embedding Disability Access Pilot which involves working with groups of people with different disabilities to co-create improvements that make accessing care better.

This process involved several ‘enter and view’ assessments of the practice to see what the real patient experience is like rather than what our policies say should be happening.

We are in the process of sharing what was said and what we have done about it. Our first draft can be seen below here and we will update it again soon when we have got some feedback from the people who helped us with this project including in a more accessible way.

The image shows a board in the practice waiting rooms with columns under the headings you said, we did and still to come. Full text version will be coming to the website soon

Date published: 1st August, 2023
Date last updated: 5th December, 2023