The Tredegar Practice

Morning lines open from 8am to 12.30pm
Afternoon lines open from 2pm to 6.30pm

NHS colleagues can use the NHS Service Finder to find our secure email and bypass number.

Repeat Prescriptions whilst Travelling

The NHS will provide a maximum of 3 months supply of medication if you intend to go abroad. It is then the patient’s responsibility to source an alternative supply on their travels.

If you are leaving the country for more than 3 months we must remove you from our list. As long as you return to our area you will be very welcome to re-register with us on your return.

Please note that we can only provide medical advice and care to people physically in the UK. You should ensure you have adequate travel insurance to cover any health needs that may arise whilst you are out of the country and use the available health care where you are.

Date published: 8th April, 2022
Date last updated: 8th April, 2022